Well as title says today I will show you top 10 office apps. It will be two PowerPoint replacement and 8 Microsoft office apps. Today you will see all kinds of app; from fully featured and almost the same as Microsofts office ones to lightweight nice looking ones so everyone can pick its own favourite and
1. Polaris office
It is an app that comes preloaded on most of android smartphones and tablets. It gathers "Notes, Exelc, Word and PwerPoint" in one app. You get every basic future from Microsoft Office so you dont have to worry but for all power users that need a lot of different photo effects or maybe animations in PowerPoint this is not the best option. Well what I really like is couple of awesome templates for "Word" but especially ones for "PowerPoint".
Download for free
2. CloudOn
This is my personal favourite because basically what it does is bring whole Microsoft Office from PC to your Android. It also saves every project to cloud so you can get where ever you are. Just how I said it brings you fully futured Microsoft office, from UI to functions. Only downside is that you have to be online to use it.
Download for free
3. Google drive
Is an app made by google that is firstly a cloud with 5GB of storage for free and option to upgrade but it also brings Word, Excel and PowerPoint with a lot nicer and simpler UI that I likes. Well what else to say if you want an awesome looking app with bunch of cloud storage and pretty basic but also nice looking UI this is must have for you.
Download for free
4. Deck slideshow
This is the most awesome PowerPoint/slides editor and maker. If anyone is familiar with Prezi ,for me the best PowerPoint competitor. Well its something like that. Lot of cool templates with awesome animations. It good if you have to make a project for school or make presentation that has to make people become interested in your topic. But there is one problem, just some of templates are unlocked whilefor the others you have to pay.
Download for free
5. IncStage presenter
This is another awesome PowerPoint/Slides maker. It is fully futured PowerPoint replacement. It offers even more than PowerPoint and it is packed in easy to use interface. It is intended to make your presentations sharable. You can share your creations to almost everything you want. You can also export your presentation like Jpeg, OWG, PPT or PDF.
Buy $6,15
Dowload: paid version for free
6. QuickOffice
After CloudOn this is most futured office app in Play Store. As Ive said in description of CloudOn this is for every user that wants to have 3D photos, all cool animations and much more. And one thing to notice you dont have to be online to use it. But here we have one downside too; it is complicated. I used it for a week and Ive spent 45min just to find where are all futures "hidden".
Buy $19,99
Download: paid version for free
Other office apps
These 4 apps are mostly the same as "Polaris Office" but with different UI and awesome templates. Why have I put them if they are the same as polaris office. Well thats simple; as I mentioned they are mostly the same but not everyone likes how Polaris looks like so these apps are replacement or lets say same thing but in different package and because of that for every app I will provide a couple of screenshots so you can pick best looking one.
1. Kingston office
There is just two things to mention: It is more simple and easier to use and it has 2 or 3 widgets that will improve your productivity.
Download for free
2. ThinkFree office
Same thing with more realistic UI . It has leather background with realistic pockets to "hold" your documents.
Buy $8,17
Download: paid version for free
3. Smart Office 2
This is more colorful and a lot funnier way of using office.
Buy $9,26
Download: free version paid version for free
4. OfficeSuite
This is styled office app that futures black background and minimalistic look.
Buy: $14.99
Download: free version paid version for free
My apologie
well, everyone that reads my blog constantly i am sorry because not posting anything last week. i wasnt at home and i couldnt make those posts so i will post them this week an once again i am sorry
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