Note 4 to ensure safety for Android devices
Only download applications from trusted sources
If you own an Android device to work and exchange of important information, please equip yourself with the tools necessary protection because hackers attacked the easy device of to steal your personal information, destroy data ...
Only download applications from trusted sources
Google Play is one application supplies the most reliable
Installing additional applications for Android devices to extend the feature is extremely necessary and indispensable to any user. However, sometimes in the application that you download contains the malware or viruses can destroy data on your phone, steal personal information ...
So, always be cautious and only download applications from trusted sources like Google Play Shop, Amazon Appstore ... Attention seeking information related to that application, read reviews, comments Comments from those who have ever used. In addition, more careful, you should also check out the writers background and application development history of applications.
Protection device with a password
Set password protection equipment is one simple and effective way
This is to protect all but the simplest devices are often ignored the majority of users. Set the password is not only a good way to protect your equipment from curious users or intending to steal data, but rather also make all information in the Android phone or tablet of your ever safety even when they are lost or stolen.
You should also note the password option but catchy and unpredictable combination of both letters and numbers. Suppose such a persons name associated with the birth of a loved one and may capitalize any letters there.
Install the latest updates
Updated operating system often
Most of the operating system or software is hard to avoid the security hole and inadvertently create conditions for hackers to take advantage of access to equipment, theft of personal information and even delete all data materials.
Therefore, the developer will provide regular updates, patches for operating systems to enhance the security features and ensure your equipment safe than before the sophisticated tricks by hackers.Keep track of news and updates on your device, Update feature turned on in Settings of the operating system and software, and updated the latest version to ensure maximum safety.
Do not use personal information in the public WiFi access points
Be careful if you access the personal information in public WiFi spots
Wireless Internet brings great benefits by allowing people can access all data is stored at home, work or the website at any time online. But when using wireless Internet in public places such as cafés, schools, .. your device are also potential risks stolen information easily.
The best way is to use the Internet in public places so you should just browsing, search information and avoid the declaration of personal information such as passwords, login names, account numbers, ... If required to use this information, install additional security software such as Kaspersky Mobile Security, AVG Antivirus, BitDefender Mobile Security to make sure all your important information is always secure.
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